
Admission for the a.y. 2024/2025 is now open and will close on July 20, 2024.

Please, check the Admission Requirements and, if they are satisfied, follow the steps below.

Admission Requirements

The Master in Telecommunications Engineering is open to candidates possessing a first class Bachelor's Degree (or a first-cycle degree equivalent to the Italian Laurea) in telecommunications engineering, or other related disciplines with strong skills in Telecommunications and Electromagnetics. 

The enrollment is subject to a preliminary assessment of the applicant's preparation. The level of English required for this program is CEFR B2 (upper intermediate). Students may enroll full-time or part-time: the duration of the program is two years for full-time students and four years for part-time students.

1. Pre-Admission

A preliminary assessment of the applicant's preparation is required. If you hold an Italian first-level degree (Laurea Degree), then go to step 2: the preliminary evaluation will be conducted at a later stage, during the enrollment phase. If, instead, you do not hold an Italian first-level degree, create a new account/login to the Student Portal GOMP and submit your application through the "Pre-admission International Students" Section. The following documents must be provided:

After uploading the documents, you will be invited to pay a 15€ fee to complete the application. Early application is strongly encouraged in view of the required paperwork. You will be notified by email about the outcome of the application.

Early application is strongly encouraged so as to reserve enough time to complete the required paperwork.

2. Admission (Pre-Enrollment)

If you have been pre-admitted, or if you hold an Italian first-level degree, check if you need a Student VISA. If you do not need it, then go to step 3. Otherwise, fill in the "pre-enrolment application" at UniversItaly (the official web portal of the Italian Ministry of University and Research for international students); detailed information on the procedure is available here and will be sent to pre-admitted candidates. Be aware that the application for the forthcoming academic year will be available only as of the end of March: do not apply for the wrong academic year.

3. Enrollment

If your VISA has been granted, or if you do not require a VISA, come to UNICAS and proceed with the enrollment.

Detailed information for steps 2 and 3 is available here and will be sent to pre-admitted candidates.