
The M.Sc. Program in Telecommunications Engineering
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Language: English
Objective: The program aims at preparing engineers with the technical and managerial skills necessary to enter careers in the design, application, installation, management, operation, and maintenance of established and emerging telecommunications systems.
Outcome: The program grants a Master of Science Degree, which is equivalent to the Italian Laurea Magistrale (second-cycle degree). Graduates will have:
knowledge of established and emerging telecommunications technologies;
competences in solving specific problems arising in telecommunications, which require, on top of a good grasp on the principles of telecommunications systems, some expertise in electronics, computer programming, and automation;
the ability to understand mathematical models of physical phenomena, which are important in the design of telecommunications systems;
the ability to design, maintain, and analyze telecommunications systems and services.
Organization: The program has a workload of 120 ECTS credits, including classes, homework, projects, internship, and thesis. The program starts every year in September and lasts two years for full-time students. Core modules consolidate fundamentals and improve modeling capabilities in the basic areas of telecommunications engineering, such as signal processing, modulation, coding, networking, wired and wireless transmission media, and electromagnetism, as well as in other affine areas, such as electronics, automation, and computer science. Elective courses covers more advanced topics, according to the student’s preference. Courses grant either 6 or 9 ECTS credits, which include both contact hours (about 8 per credit) and study hours (about 17 per credit). The final exam grants 12 ECTS credits and consists of the public defense of the thesis.
Fees and Funding: The University of Cassino and Southern Lazio adopts a special fee policy for international students. Regular tuition fees for international students start at around 1000€ per year. Italian student fees are based on the student family income. LAZIODISU offers grants and accommodations to low-income students. International students may also obtain grants from the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Italian Trade Commission.
Studying Abroad: Students are encouraged to spend a period of study and/or to prepare their thesis abroad (earning up to 60 ETCS credits). The Erasmus mobility program allows students to study in partner European universities without paying additional tuition fees.
Internship: Students may opt for an internship experience in substitution of one elective course so as to acquire working-oriented skills and become more aware of their professional choices. UNICAS promotes and supports internship programs in collaboration with partner companies and institutions. Programs for internships in foreign companies and research centers are also available.
Career Opportunities: Prospective jobs are available not only with telecommunications operators and manufacturers, but also in many other sectors where telecommunications are critical, such as finance, energy, defense, surveillance, healthcare, education, public services, commerce, traffic control, environmental monitoring, space exploration, robotics, etc. The program also paves the way to doctoral and postgraduate research studies.