Fees and Fundings
Tuition Fees
The University of Cassino and Southern Lazio adopts a special fee policy for international students.
Regular tuition fees for international students start at around 1000€ per year.
Please, visit the UNICAS webpage for full details
DiSCo Lazio Shcolarship
DiSCo Lazio is the regional authority that supports student life and well-being.
It offers several benefits to talented students from low-income families. Eligible students may apply for
lodging within the university dormitories
fully-waived tuition fees
catering service at discounted rates
study grants that may cover living expenses
study-abroad scholarships to participate in international exchange programs for a maximum of 10 months
graduation prizes
The fellowship is renewed yearly on the basis of the student performance (number of passed exams and average mark).
When to apply
The call for applications is expected to be released in Spring every year. Applicants are encouraged to regularly check the website of DiSCo Lazio to stay updated.
Early applicants to one of our Programs will receive an email when the call for the new academic year will open.
MAECI Scholarships
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI) offers grants in favor of foreigners and Italians resident abroad in order to foster international cooperation in cultural, scientific, and technological fields, to promote Italian language and culture and to support Italy’s economic system in the world .
Additional information is available on the MAECI website.